File 10 - Perawatan Ortodonti Pada Pasien Dengan Displasia Dentin Tipe I

Original article :  
Filho RB, Couto SAB, Souza PHC, Westphalen FH, Jacobs R, Willems G, Tanaka OM. Orthodontics treatment of a patient with dentin dysplasia type I. Am J Ortod Dentofacial Orthop 2013; 143: 421-5

Dentin dysplasia is a genetic disorder of the teeth that affects the dentin and the pulp. Type I is sometimes called "rootless teeth", because of the loss of organization of the root dentin, whick often leads to a shortened root length. The purpose of this article was to present a rare clinial case of a girl  who was diagnosed with dentin dysplasia type I when she was reffered for an orthodontic evaluation. Panoramic and periapical radiographs showed defective root formation and areas with periapical radiolucencies in several teeth. Her Angle Class I malocclusion was successfully treated, providing esthetics and functional results, without clinical symptomps or signs of periodontitis or odontogenic infections.